The Awesome Gut Bomb for Lunch

The cheesesteak. There is no disputing how incredible this sandwich is, especially if done right and with the best ingredients. Within a few miles of where we live is one of our favorite places to grab one of these awesome food coma delights. This place is Jersey Joe’s in San Carlos, CA.

I work from home pretty much exclusively and David works from home often. Most days that he’s home we do lunch together. Today, was one of those days. While in transit to some burger joint David had the great idea of going to Jersey Joe’s. Why not? We’d be getting a much better meal for the same price as most burger joints and this is food that stays with you, you won’t be hungry soon after devouring a whole sandwich and fries.

My choice today was the pepperoni pizza cheesesteak with grilled onions. OMGoodness!!! Words can’t describe how great this was, at least for me. And to add more flavor to things I had to skip the ketchup for the fries and go straight for the BBQ sauce. I was impressed. It was sweet and smoky, just right for my intentions. Here is the before, I’ll save you after … it’s never pretty. 🙂
